Covid 19 Safety Plan For Uniquely-Carpet Repairs Only Ltd.

Statement of Purpose

Our company is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for both staff members. A combination of measures will be used to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in our workplace as we resume the “new normal” level of operations. Our Safety Plan will protect not only our two staff members, but also others whose premises we enter during the usual completion of business. Both staff members must follow the procedures outlined in this plan to prevent or reduce exposure to COVID-19.

Our plan follows the six-step process as outlined by WorkSafeBC. By Order of the Provincial Health Officer dated May 14 2020, employers are required to post a copy of their COVID-19 Safety Plan on their website and at the workplace. This plan must be readily available for review by workers, as well as customers and any other person who could be providing services at our workplace.

A copy of our COVID-19 Safety Plan and other associated documentation must be provided if requested by a WorkSafeBC officer. This COVID-19 Safety Plan is posted on our website.


Assess the risks at the workplace To assess the risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2, we have consulted:

☒ Information about COVID-19 as offered by the Public Health Authorities

☒ Both staff members

We have identified the areas/jobs/tasks that may present a risk of transmission of the SARSCoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19. We also determined who could be at risk of exposure, including workers and our clients.

STEPS 2 & 3 Implement control measures, including policies, procedures and protocols to reduce the risks

To determine what control measures are required, we have consulted the following:

☒ Both staff members

☒ Guidance and industry-specific information from provincial health authorities

The control measures we have identified as necessary for our facility are listed in our documented risk assessment as indicated in Step 1. Based on that assessment, with reference to the above resources, we have implemented necessary controls and developed/updated the following policies, procedures and protocols:

☒ Only tools directly used for the completion of work will be handled by each staff member

☒ When working alone control area of work and who has access to tools used for each job

☒ When working together staff will only use tools that each staff member has brought to jobsite

☒ When arriving at each jobsite, staff will wear a mask when greeting and entering jobsite

☒ While working alone mask may be removed maintaining at least 6 feet between staff and customers when speaking or receiving directions from them

☒ Hand washing is to be properly completed before starting work and after completing work before travelling to next jobsite

☒ Reporting any symptoms that could be considered COVID-19 symptoms immediately to Chris

☒ DO NOT report to work with any suspicious symptoms related to COVID-19

STEP 4 Develop communication plans and training

To ensure staff and customers know how to stay safe, we have:

☒ When work is scheduled customers are made aware that we will wear a mask while greeting the customer

☒ When work is scheduled customers are made aware that we will likely remove our masks to enable us to work and to please maintain a distance of 6 feet from our staff at all times ☒ Only one staff member will drive a vehicle or in a vehicle at any time

☒ No staff member will drive a vehicle driven by another staff member unless vehicle has been thoroughly cleaned or sanitized

STEP 5 Monitor our workplace and update our plans as needed As the pandemic situation changes, we are doing the following to monitor changes in our operations and workplaces to ensure that control measures are effectively providing the expected level of protection and prevention.

☒ Staff are aware of how to report workplace hazards.

☒ Staff are aware of how to report symptoms of COVID-19.

☒ Review all workplace inspections to check for new areas/jobs/tasks of concern.

☒ Audit our cleaning and hygiene practices and protocols.

☒ Update our policies/procedures/protocols accordingly.

☒ Re-assess communication and training needs accordingly

STEP 6 Assess and address risks from resuming operations or getting back to normal

For areas within our operations or workplaces that have not been operating normally during this pandemic and would now be re-started or re-occupied, we have completed the following:

☒ Reviewed our existing risk assessments for the jobs and areas affected. We have considered the effects of the control measures discussed in this Plan on existing safeguards and controls, and revised our risk assessments accordingly.

☒ Ensured all work areas have been inspected before resuming operations

☒ Re-assessed communication and training needs accordingly.

☒ Communicated plans to workers before they return.

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